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Pretrial FAQ

FAQs - Pretrial

I was sentenced and have been allowed to self surrender to a federal institution.  Am I still on supervision?

If you were released on bond with pretrial supervision, you are still required to report to your probation officer until you report to prison. Failure to abide by these conditions after sentencing could result in arrest and remand for immediate service of the sentence.

I have just been sentenced to prison time and am wondering what to expect.

The Bureau of Prisons website can provide you with this information.  You may also want to consider attending our Freedom to Incarceration program.

I was just arrested and my family has many questions.  What can they do?

Your family can contact the probation officer who is handling your case. Pretrial information is highly confidential so they may not be able to get specific information about you; however, if that is needed, they should call your attorney.

I forgot my court date.  How do I find it?

You can call your probation officer to inquire about your next court date.

I got a speeding ticket.  Do I need to report that?

Not all law violations are violations of your bond; however, you are required to report ALL contact with law enforcement for law violations to your probation officer within one business day.

Since marijuana is now legal, can I use marijuana?

Marijuana remains illegal under federal law; therefore, you are prohibited from all use and possession of marijuana while under Pretrial Services supervision.

I'm struggling with mental health or substance abuse issues.  If I tell my officer, will that be a problem?

Officers are invested in assisting all defendants.  If you have struggles, let them know.  They want to help!

I need to go to an AA meeting.  I don't know where to go.

You can go to or call your probation officer for assistance.

Can I leave the state while on supervision?

Travel restrictions can vary so always check with your probation officer first.